Monday, December 8, 2008

Flying or falling?

Are you flying or falling?

....and how would you know?

The test is usually how much your will impacts your reality.

Can you move toward what you really want and need right now? click

The point is - how are you living right now?

Is it a life you love or is it a life lived in your comfort zone?

Or are you frozen like a possum in the headlights?

Or, are you in hot pursuit of goals that challenge and inspire you?

You aren't going to live forever. Sometimes you really don't have time to pack!

Mike Kennedy asks you what is it that you really, really want. You answer this question honestly and commit to achieving it, then you start your life of adventure and your falling transforms itself to flying!

What you get from him is his thirty years of training and coaching experience, his very active listening, and his ruthless compassion - this will allow you transform your life into a life of passion and meaning that you love.

If you want to learn to fly, call (+6) 0439 979 577 or email Mike to arrange a session that will get you started, will give you an experience of coaching and enable you to see if this is something that would add value to your life.

If you want to attend one of Mike's seminars such as "Your Clothes Conversation" or "Your Communication Conversation, call (+6) 0439 979 577 or email Mike to book your place or to book a seminar for your organisation.


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