Monday, December 8, 2008

Flying or falling?

Are you flying or falling?

....and how would you know?

The test is usually how much your will impacts your reality.

Can you move toward what you really want and need right now? click

The point is - how are you living right now?

Is it a life you love or is it a life lived in your comfort zone?

Or are you frozen like a possum in the headlights?

Or, are you in hot pursuit of goals that challenge and inspire you?

You aren't going to live forever. Sometimes you really don't have time to pack!

Mike Kennedy asks you what is it that you really, really want. You answer this question honestly and commit to achieving it, then you start your life of adventure and your falling transforms itself to flying!

What you get from him is his thirty years of training and coaching experience, his very active listening, and his ruthless compassion - this will allow you transform your life into a life of passion and meaning that you love.

If you want to learn to fly, call (+6) 0439 979 577 or email Mike to arrange a session that will get you started, will give you an experience of coaching and enable you to see if this is something that would add value to your life.

If you want to attend one of Mike's seminars such as "Your Clothes Conversation" or "Your Communication Conversation, call (+6) 0439 979 577 or email Mike to book your place or to book a seminar for your organisation.


Friday, December 5, 2008


  • Coaching with Mike keeps the focus – you attend to the right things, the important things – without the coaching I don’t know what the result would have been, but I wouldn’t want to be there, because I wouldn’t have known what I was doing. Robin

  • I was surprised at how much I have thought about it – whole lot of stuff that’s been in my head that you just brought out of me and wrote it down - I'm really brilliant! Mark

  • Mike has coached me through a few series now and I can’t believe the difference it has made to my life. Mike encourages me to look for Clarity in all the areas that I’ve set goals in and then keeps me honest to reach those goals. His sessions are structured but still flexible enough to deal with the issues of the day. He has an incredible amount of experience and life skills that he brings with him, which gives me confidence that I know what he is doing! Mike is an absolute professional in all that he does, but he is human enough to listen, support, encourage and motivate me forward. One of the most important things I have learnt is that there are no problems, only opportunities and choices. The progress that I have made in my life in all areas in the last few months is absolutely incredible. Thank you would be too small a word to express my gratitude to Mike for the work that he does. I can only encourage anyone who wants clarity in their live to talk to Mike, he really does coach with heart and soul! Deb

  • Mike asked me what was it that I really really wanted. I really didn't know. And up until that point, it didn't matter that I didn't know. But after that point, it became an obsession with me to find out what it was that I really really wanted. I had to find it and I struggled and worked hard to figure it out. Bit by bit, I started to see glimpses and the glimpses started to form like a jigsaw, until I could honestly say - I know what I really, really want! My goals are all now heading in that direction, I now only work with people who inspire me - I now choose my clients as well as my suppliers and I only do work that inspires me and rewards me accordingly. This works! Dwayne

  • Mike helped me define my values, identify the skills that I love using and the weekly coaching has helped me define my work life. I have identified, using checklists Mike helped me clarify, that allowed me to choose my present business, which I can only say, fits me like a glove. I am delighted to go to work every day, the business is working like a dream and I'm able to have a life with my wife and family that is really inspiring. I am aware, I have balance and I feel fulfilled in my life. Thank you Mike. Chris

  • Your summary of me - Wow. It was like reading my horoscope mixed in with “My Life”. Adrian

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Great Coaching Quotes...

"When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy."
Mevlana Rumi

More Coaching Quotes...

"A good coach will make his players see what they can be rather than what they are."

Ara Parasheghian

Coaching Tools: Worksheet for completing your holiday

At the end of your holiday sit down with all the people you went on holiday with and have a discussion about your holiday. The process of celebrating the good and acknowledging the difficult parts of a holiday helps to complete the event, leaving you free to move back to your everyday life. Here's some questions to get you started...

  • What were the five things you most valued and treasured about your holiday?
  • What were you doing when you had the most fun?
  • Who did you get to spend special time with and what do you most remember about that?
  • What did you learn about yourself on this holiday?
  • What did you learn about the people you went on holiday with? List one thing per person.
  • What did you do that was the most relaxing thing in your holiday?
  • What do you need to communicate with the people you went on holiday with?
  • What was the overriding theme of your holiday?
  • What do you need to say to be complete with your holiday?
  • How do you want your first day @ work to be like?

Having a conversation like this with your family, friends or partner will help you bank your holiday, so you can move resourcefully into your work mode.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Coaching Tools: Placement

Placement is preparing someone for communication.

When you place someone, you are going to tell them what's coming, how you want them to manage their feelings, what outcome you are looking for, how you want them to listen, what you want them to listen for and you ask them if they are willing to have a conversation like that. I assume you have chosen an environment that is conductive to communication ie: it's quiet, private and you both have the time and space to communicate.

Then you start the placement process:
  1. Advance notice... "In a couple of minutes I want to say something to you"
  2. The topic.... "It's going to be about how we work together and how we can improve our communication"
  3. How you want them to feel..... "If you start to feel upset or angry, I'd like you to tell me how you feel, rather than lash out at me or attack me"
  4. The outcome you want.... "....and why I'm having this conversation with you, is so that we can operate more like a team and improve the results we are producing."
  5. How to listen... "I'd like you to listen to this like you were looking for a solution, you are looking for something that is going to help us both move forward."
  6. What to listen for... "I'd like you to listen to this like you were looking for a solution, you are looking for something that is going to help us both move forward."

Ask if they are open to this...

If they say "Yes", then start your conversation.

If they say "No", then find out what they aren't willing to do and try to find a workable alternative. If you can't find one, then see if they would be willing to have this conversation at a later date or in more conducive circumstances.

For more detailed information click here or email Mike.

Blogs I like to read...

Blogs are all about running alongside of people's current thinking. It's a great opportunity to catch up with authors who have inspired you or opened up new worlds for you to explore - pretty much in real well as you being able to track them back in time on most sites.

I find regular blog reading stimulating and challenging. Especially when I start to participate with comments or whatever invitation the blogger issues.

Here's some of my favorites for you to explore - enjoy!:

Seth Godin
The master of marketing, putting great ideas into action quickly - I read him for daily inspiration.
Presentation Zen
An amazing site for thinking about communicating through the various mediums of presentation. Food for thought for anyone who communicates.
Blue Ocean Strategy
Ah me! I love this stuff - love the process - love the concept - I will do one of their courses one day, until then, I read everything I can about Blue Ocean Strategy
Daniel Goleman
He's the Man. What's your emotional style?? Emotional Intelligence is a basic skill for dealing with the multiplicities and complications of the conceptual age - gotta stay up to date with what he's thinking about!
Beyond Blue
...this site is all about mental health - especially the crisis stuff - fantastic conversations about psychotherapy and Gestalt - amazing distinctions here!
Tom Peters
This man is prolific, off the wall and most of the time, spot on in pointing you in the direction of dancing in the moment in tune with the current status quo, no matter how quickly it dissolves and morphs into something else - always inspring!
Daniel Pink
Author of A Whole Brain Mind and The Adventures of Johnny Bunko, Daniel dances across a range of topics such as the Japanese Manga comic, Design, The Conceptual Age, Career management - to name a few - He has opened my mind up to a whole new world and continues to do so.
One of the world's leading trend firms, and its 8,000+ trend spotters scan the globe for emerging consumer trends.
We report on our findings in free, monthly Trend Briefings, and in our annual Trend Report.
Springwise and its network of 8,000 spotters scan the globe for smart new business ideas, delivering instant inspiration to entrepreneurial minds from San Francisco to Singapore. Time to start the Next Big Thing!
Bull's eye Living
All about achieving exactly precisely what you want to do.
Authentic Happiness
Dr. Seligman's main mission has been the promotion of the field of Positive Psychology

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Coaching Quotes...

“You get the best effort from others not by lighting a fire
beneath them, but by building a fire within.”

Bob Nelson

Monday, August 4, 2008

How does a Coaching Series Work?

It's actually a very simple process....

  • Have a chat on the phone to see if you can communicate with Mike and if you have any rapport together.
  • A second conversation where you set three inspiring goals for yourself for the next 90 days.

Then if both you and Mike feel like you can work together on your inspiring goals, you embark on your journey of discovery and achievement. Mike helps you work out the measureable criteria for your goals, and you work on your baseline (where you are at now) and your vision (where you are going). That done you are all ready to begin your coaching series!

A coaching session is a structured period of time and looks a bit like this...

  1. Clearing the space... what is in the background that you need to put aside while you use this time for work on your goals?
  2. Setting the agenda... what do you want out of the session?
  3. Reviewing and measuring the goals.
  4. What's come up for you?
  5. What does that mean to you?
  6. During the sessions you will be constantly be raising your awareness of your values, how you communicate and what really motivates you.
  7. What actions are you going to commit to this week?
  8. What did you get out of the session? A simple question that helps you capture the essense of what you got to take with you for the following week!

At the end of the series you have a 90 Day review where you review what you have learnt, what you have achieved and what your next 90 days will be all about.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

15 Reasons to talk to Mike Kennedy....

There are many reasons why you might want to talk with Mike Kennedy....

  1. If you want to make sure your business goes where you want it
  2. If you want to make sure you are not being sidetracked
  3. If you are overwhelmed by expert advice!
  4. If you have had enough of just stuff happening
  5. If you want to identify your own set of values
  6. If your own reasons and your own outcomes are important to you
  7. If you want to move on but don’t know how
  8. If you want to be actually living a life that you love
  9. If you want to turn your problems into opportunities
  10. If you feel stuck
  11. If you want to work on your inspiring and meaningful goals
  12. If want your life to be great
  13. If you are looking to step up to the next level
  14. If you want to really reach your potential
  15. If you have a nagging feeling that there’s more to your life....

What are you waiting for??

Life really does begin at the edge of your Comfort Zone!

Contact Mike Kennedy...
Mobile: 021 335 908 Skype: addsvalue2 or email!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thank You!

I think it's time to thank a few people.

Thank you Deb Robertson for encouraging me to set up this blog, to pour my work into it and share it with everyone - thank you also Deb for helping me with the technical wizardry that enables this to happen.

I am an agent of transformation, I make huge differences to whoever enters my orbit - getting help from people who appreciate what I do and want to be a part of getting it out there, has always been a challenge for me to accept...I must be having a breakthrough with this right now.

Thanks to all my clients! You guys are amazing! You let me contribute and you take my contribution and you are all flying with it - I am so blown away by all of you! You know who I'm talking about!

Thanks Leigh, for nailing me on who I am and who I choose to run away and hide from. I know that admitting my cowardice unleashes my courage to step out and do what I'm here to do.

Thanks Rose, for believing in me and loving me! You inspire me like crazy! You have given me our son, our family and our fun and love. Thank you my son for all that you give me and for letting me love you.

Thanks to all my coaches - you guys are going out and making that difference to many, many others - You are my legacy and everything I have is yours.

Thank you to all my guides and mentors - you know who you are! I hold your legacy and take everything you have to the world.

This blog is here to contribute and all of you have helped me to get it up and running and this is your legacy - thank you and you are welcome to contribute and participate further - you really make a difference.

Thank you all!

Who needs a coach anyway???

Do you feel stuck in your life?
Are you stressed all of the time?
Do you feel like you have untapped potential?
Do you often feel overwhelmed?
Do you feel like life is passing you by?
Do you hate your job?
Do you procrastinate on a regular basis?

If the answer to all or even most of the above is yes... then keep reading.

Lots of successful people use coaches to give them the edge.... all see the value in having a professional coach by their side.

Ask yourself this question....

“Am I ready to let a coach help me move to the next level of my life?”

And the next and probably only question left to ask is:

“Do I think this coach would be a great coach for me and do I have the courage to tell them that?”
So if you’ve had enough of mediocrity or compromising on your hopes and dreams, now is a great time to take me up on the offer of a free Goal Setting consultation and find out what coaching can offer you!

Are you ready to begin living your life on the edge of your comfort zone?

If for any reason you decide you don’t want to continue after we’ve completed one full session, no problem I understand and you won’t owe me a penny, a cent or even a Euro.* Even if the reason is because you got everything you needed out of one session I won’t charge you, and that has happened! If you’d like to hear what people that have worked with me have had to say about the process click here.

Call me now for a chat on (+64) 021 335 908, or if you’d prefer, you can drop me an e-mail via this page.

* That offer is not applicable for one-off coaching sessions.

Mike Kennedy - Coach

In the old American Indian story about the two wolves, there is an analogy of there being two wolves in every human. The black wolf wants to destroy you and your works and the white wolf wants to develop you, grow you and nurture you and your works.

When asked which wolf wins, the storyteller always answers: "The one you feed...."

Mike Kennedy is a New Zealand Based professional Coach who works with clients wherever they are to help them feed their white wolf and discover their inner wisdom.

His clients deal with change and thrive in environments where most people are reacting in panic, feeding their black wolves.

"I help people find their own clarity. They discover what it is that's important to them, what they really, really want to achieve and what are the most important things for them to focus on. As soon as they find that, it's obvious to them what the best actions moving forward are."

Mike has been helping people find their inner clarity, wisdom and strength since he was 12 years old. He has always had a natural ability in active listening and has been studying techniques through his reading and over two hundred workshops and seminars.

For the last twenty five years, Mike has been a trainer, coach and mentor to people in Australia, New Zealand, US and UK.

Crisis's are dealt with with the client's goals, values and long term objectives in mind. This is called: "Feeding the right Wolf with the end in mind!"

Over the last 5 years, Mike has worked with two separate coaching companies, one in Australia and one in New Zealand. He supported their coaches by training them in competency development and mentoring their case work.

He also coaches and mentors a number of independent coaches, helping them in their professional development. "I love working with people who are going out there helping people feed the right wolf and making a difference to the world!"

Mike and Rose Kennedy have been married for 14 years and have a 12 year old son with Downes Syndrome. "The experience of being a special needs parent has helped me develop strengths and understanding, that no education could have given me!" says Mike. "It's also shown me which wolf I need to feed!"

The Spice Girls sang that song: 'Tell me what you want - tell me what you really, really want!' "Nobody ever asked you that question as you were growing up - it was all about people telling you what they wanted from you!" Mike encourages people to find out 'What they really, really want'

"Something amazing happens when someone asks you that question - it's usually a shock, and once you get past the mistrust and looking for where the catch is, then the magic happens! Its then you realise the benefits of feeding the white wolf!"

Peter Drucker says that: "Management by objectives works if you first think through your objectives. Ninety percent of the time you haven't."

That's how Mike sees his role - getting people clear about their objectives: "If my clients have clarity of intention, the job is half way done! The right wolf then gets the food it needs"

And that's the sort of coach Mike Kennedy is - wide in experience and reading. He keeps his client's focused on what's important to them achieving their goals.

"People learn how to manage their wolves around me!- That's the kind of coach I am."
Email Mike for a free coaching session