Thursday, July 31, 2008

Who needs a coach anyway???

Do you feel stuck in your life?
Are you stressed all of the time?
Do you feel like you have untapped potential?
Do you often feel overwhelmed?
Do you feel like life is passing you by?
Do you hate your job?
Do you procrastinate on a regular basis?

If the answer to all or even most of the above is yes... then keep reading.

Lots of successful people use coaches to give them the edge.... all see the value in having a professional coach by their side.

Ask yourself this question....

“Am I ready to let a coach help me move to the next level of my life?”

And the next and probably only question left to ask is:

“Do I think this coach would be a great coach for me and do I have the courage to tell them that?”
So if you’ve had enough of mediocrity or compromising on your hopes and dreams, now is a great time to take me up on the offer of a free Goal Setting consultation and find out what coaching can offer you!

Are you ready to begin living your life on the edge of your comfort zone?

If for any reason you decide you don’t want to continue after we’ve completed one full session, no problem I understand and you won’t owe me a penny, a cent or even a Euro.* Even if the reason is because you got everything you needed out of one session I won’t charge you, and that has happened! If you’d like to hear what people that have worked with me have had to say about the process click here.

Call me now for a chat on (+64) 021 335 908, or if you’d prefer, you can drop me an e-mail via this page.

* That offer is not applicable for one-off coaching sessions.

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