Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Coaching Tools: Placement

Placement is preparing someone for communication.

When you place someone, you are going to tell them what's coming, how you want them to manage their feelings, what outcome you are looking for, how you want them to listen, what you want them to listen for and you ask them if they are willing to have a conversation like that. I assume you have chosen an environment that is conductive to communication ie: it's quiet, private and you both have the time and space to communicate.

Then you start the placement process:
  1. Advance notice... "In a couple of minutes I want to say something to you"
  2. The topic.... "It's going to be about how we work together and how we can improve our communication"
  3. How you want them to feel..... "If you start to feel upset or angry, I'd like you to tell me how you feel, rather than lash out at me or attack me"
  4. The outcome you want.... "....and why I'm having this conversation with you, is so that we can operate more like a team and improve the results we are producing."
  5. How to listen... "I'd like you to listen to this like you were looking for a solution, you are looking for something that is going to help us both move forward."
  6. What to listen for... "I'd like you to listen to this like you were looking for a solution, you are looking for something that is going to help us both move forward."

Ask if they are open to this...

If they say "Yes", then start your conversation.

If they say "No", then find out what they aren't willing to do and try to find a workable alternative. If you can't find one, then see if they would be willing to have this conversation at a later date or in more conducive circumstances.

For more detailed information click here or email Mike.

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